Moon Ra
2020 - 21
repurposed construction materials of Feathers Stage by Fala Atelier in 2019 (wood, corrugated stainless steel), paint
Refraining from the fixation on developing a personal signature style, their living structures directly answer to unique sites, contexts and the people using them. They consider architecture as a tool to support unexpected and diverse ways of living together. Challenging established, hierarchical knowledge systems, Leopold Banchini opts for an admiration of the beauty of neo-vernacular constructions and popular intelligence, and sees the origins of architectural elements beyond borders or historical periods. Addressing architecture as a form of social action, political and environmental considerations are at the heart of their work.
Moon Ra is a vernacular structure built to dance around the fire. The large circular roof embraces the festival goers and offers a temporary shelter for unexpected and wild behavior. Around the fire pit, the absence of a dance floor leaves the bare feet of the dancers in direct contact with the ground. The rotating disc at the top of the hut opens to the moon, sending mysterious smoke signals to the neighboring hyperboloid chimneys. To build this haven, the tectonically recognizable Feathers Stage by FALA Atelier (2019) was disassembled, catalogued and re-constructed. Each element of the previous dancefloor takes on a new function and becomes part of a primal transformation.
Photo credit: Courtesy of Leopold Banchini architects
Moon Ra
2020 - 21
repurposed construction materials of Feathers Stage by Fala Atelier in 2019 (wood, corrugated stainless steel), paint
Leopold Banchini Architects veut développer une architecture éclectique et non dogmatique qui prône la simplicité, l’économie et la durabilité. Sans préoccupation de vouloir laisser une signature personnelle, leurs structures vivantes répondent directement aux sites et contextes spécifiques et aux personnes qui les habitent. L’architecture est conçue comme un outil qui doit permettre l’existence de nouvelles et diverses manières de vivre ensemble.
Remettant en question les concepts de connaissance établis et hiérarchisés, Leopold Banchini admire la beauté des constructions néo-vernaculaires et de l’intelligence populaire, et considère l’origine des éléments architecturaux au-delà des frontières ou de l’histoire. L’architecture est perçue comme une forme d’action sociale, où les considérations politiques et environnementales sont au cœur de leur travail.
Photo credit: Courtesy of Leopold Banchini architects
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