The Swirl makes its comeback as the warm hug designed by Jozef Wouters & touche—touche, after a profound acoustic upgrade. A festival-favourite of many, the spiral shaped floor still stands for dizzying spectacle.
The Swirl is a duet by Jozef Wouters & Carolin Gieszner. "Two scenographers walking inside an empty hall, drawing lines with chalk on the floor. We talked about water and fire evaporating in a slow vortex. We envisioned a space made of humidity, of clouds of vapour that curl up around themselves and condense on the faces of the dancers, the walls and the ceiling, dripping down from one skin to another. We imagined the layers in between and started adding them, softening the walls, embracing the bodies. Our proposal became a movement; a temporary gathering of materials and dancers, each one making their own spiral inside a body that is bigger than their own."
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